The American Psychiatric Association describes personality disorders as having a way of thinking, feeling, and behaving that differs from cultural norms. When a person has a personality disorder it greatly inhibits their ability to function. When personality disorders aren't treated, they can last for a lifetime.
There are ten types of personality disorders. These 10 disorders are categorized into different clusters, including A, B, and C. Cluster A personality disorders include those that are characterized by odd or eccentric behavior.
Following is a brief guide to Cluster A personality disorders.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
People with paranoid personality disorders have a deep mistrust of others. This distrust most likely began by early adulthood. People with paranoid personality disorder often suspect that others are deceiving them.
When someone makes a kind or gracious remark to them, they think there is a hidden meaning behind it. For these reasons, they have a hard time confiding in others, which prevents them from getting close to other people.
Other traits of paranoid personality disorder include:
- They suspect others of being disloyal even when there are inadequate reasons for their suspicions.
- They tend to be unforgiving toward others.
- They have unjustified fears that their spouse is cheating on them.
- They fear that people are going to manipulate or take advantage of them.
Because of these traits, people with paranoid personality disorder withdraw from others. They also have difficulty expressing emotion.
Schizoid Personality Disorder
People with schizoid personality disorders have a pattern of detaching from social relationships. They are often considered loners and usually prefer activities they can do on their own. As professionals, they typically work better on their own. People with schizoid personality disorder also have a narrow range of emotional expressions.
Other traits of schizoid personality disorder include:
- They don't seek or want close friendships or relationships.
- They have a hard time feeling pleasure from anything.
- They have a hard time acting appropriately in emotional situations.
- They have little or no desire for sexual intimacy.
One more trait of those with schizoid personality disorder is that they are typically unconcerned with getting praise or criticism from others.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
People with schizotypal personality disorder are usually described as having odd personalities. Along with eccentric behaviors, those with schizotypal personality disorder experience cognitive and perceptual distortions that might make them be overly superstitious or have strange ideas.
In some cases, people with this personality disorder are so suspicious that it impedes their ability to function in relationships and in society. They usually have extreme social anxiety and are uncomfortable in close relationships.
Other traits of schizotypal personality disorder include:
- They have a peculiar way of dressing.
- They believe they have supernatural powers and can influence others with their thoughts.
- They experience unusual sensations or hear voices in their head.
- They have an indifferent or suspicious response to others.
Schizotypal personality disorder is not the same as schizophrenia. Although the two disorders are easily confused with one another, schizophrenia is not a personality disorder. While a person with schizotypal personality disorder can become aware of their distorted ideas, those with schizophrenia cannot tell the difference between their delusions and reality.
The good news about Cluster A personality disorders is that they are highly treatable. Some treatment options for these personality disorders include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy. Medication is used to treat other mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and mood swings, that commonly occur with personality disorders.
If you or someone you love exhibits any of the above traits of these personality disorders, don't hesitate to contact Heritage Mental Health Clinic. Our
mental health services
in Topeka include psychotherapy, psychiatric medication management, behavioral pain management, and psychological testing.