Psychotherapy, commonly called talk therapy, is the primary treatment approach for borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, doctors can incorporate medication like mood stabilizers, anxiety drugs, and antidepressants into the treatment. The end goal is to help patients focus on their ability to function and manage their emotions and impulses.
Even as you seek treatment, there are personal adjustments you can make to build your distress tolerance, avoid negative life patterns and generally improve your relationships.
Here are four tried and tested tips.
1. Have a Reliable Support System
The surest way to overcome BPD is to have a strong support system. Apart from educating your family and close friends about borderline personality disorder, it's also a good idea to join a support group and build relationships with other people who understand the concern firsthand.
BPD is twice more widespread than schizophrenia, which is a more known mental disorder. This increases the likelihood of finding support groups near you.
Also, don't forget that your psychotherapist is a fundamental part of your support system. Mental health specialists have all-rounded skills that allow them to provide treatment and support that cultivates hope and healing.
2. Manage Triggers Through Self-Care
It's common for BPD patients to experience a highly unstable and changeable self-image. You could be feeling great at one moment, then weak and relatively unstable a few moments later. There are moments of extreme highs and lows that can only be tamed through self-care.
There's a close link between your physical and mental health. Taking care of your physical well-being can naturally enhance your mental health. Some of the best self-care practices that can improve the wellness of your body and mind include maintaining a healthy diet, keeping fit through a regular exercise routine, and getting adequate sleep.
3. Diffuse Episodes by Distracting Your Mind From Intense Emotions
With time, you will become more aware of triggers that lead to episodes. It is best to always try to diffuse possible episodes before they escalate out of hand.
Avoiding triggers is not always possible. However, you can distract your mind from unexpected symptoms that can throw you into an emotional roller coaster.
For instance, you can play some relaxing music, take a long, warm shower, enjoy aromatherapy, do breathing exercises or engage in physical exercises. It is also perfectly okay to retreat to a comforting environment or reach out to your psychotherapist, friend, or loved one.
4. Blow Off Steam
Pent-up feelings of anger or self-harm can cause bouts of anxiety and depression. Research shows that up to 10% of BDP patients attempt suicide at some point. The urge to engage in self-harm behaviors is often higher during episodes of intense emotion.
An ideal way to cope with explosive anger or suppressed frustration is not to lock your emotions inside. It would be best to find ways to let out what you are feeling without being explosive.
For instance, you can grab a paper and tear it up, take a cold shower, punch a pillow or scream into it. It may also help to take a cold shower, go for a run or write down your feelings before tearing up the paper.
Learning to overcome borderline personality disorder will not happen overnight. It could take years to master how to cope with the primary symptoms of BPD, such as intense mood swings, extreme anger, and impulsive behavior. Moreover, instances, when symptoms get better or worse, are inevitable.
Fortunately, the above tips can improve your ability to function and lead a meaningful and fulfilling life despite the challenges you face. They can also drastically improve your feelings about yourself, life situations, and your relationships.